This contact form on the LW Vintage site's "Sell?page is where owners of pre-owned Linde Werdelin replica watches can start the selling process
Here's how it will work. Linde Werdelin will, in all cases, take delivery of the replica watches in their HQ, authenticate them, perform a service, and replace the strap if that is required (which it will be on replica watches a number of years old, but not necessarily on ones that are more recent purchases), provide a letter of authenticity, and add an additional 24 month factory warranty. When these are done, the fake watch is offered for sale on their LW Vintage page where, after the purchase, the brand will conduct the shipping and payment procedures between buyer and seller, allowing for a safe transaction. For these services Linde Werdelin will quote a fee to the seller on an individual basis ?which will be more on replica watches that required a full service and were out of their warranty period, and less for timepieces that are still under warranty, required no service where only the authentication and transaction procedures have to be handled. When asked about the details of the service the replica watches receive before they go up for sale, Jorn told us that they will service the movement and replace the strap (again, only when this is necessary), but he is strongly against refinishing the case, because of their complex, faceted designs ?and also to maintain the original condition and patina. While both the seller and buyer can enjoy a safe buying and selling experience, there is a threat for the brand to consider, and that is the potential cannibalization of their full-priced watches. If you think about it, this brand-run platform will allow the buyer to get the full brand experience as he or she is getting a guaranteed authentic, factory serviced fake watch that is topped off with an additional factory warranty for 2 years, all for considerably less than the retail price ?albeit arguably at some premium over what the replica watches may be offered for elsewhere on the pre-owned market. The relative competitiveness of this aforementioned factory pre-owned package has to be one of the (numerous) major issues that have kept others away from venturing into this territory. Whether or not this will hurt retail sales is something Linde Werdelin will have to see for themselves. With that noted, it is worth pointing out that the concept of "certified pre-owned?is not all new, as it has been around in the car industry for ages ?and it is something that seems to be working well for them. After all, you can pretty much always take your premium car back to the official dealer you bought it from and have it put towards a new purchase. Generally speaking, the depreciation, as well as the importance (to some buyers at least) of a brand certification and additional factory warranty is very much comparable between luxury cars and timepieces. LW Vintage is a very interesting initiative as its level of success will certainly have an effect on how other independents ?and maybe, just maybe, later on the bigger brands ?approach the sensitive issue of factory certified pre-owned watches. Linde Werdelin Launches LW Vintage First Brand Curated Pre Owned Replica watch Market 9787